The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) is the Australian government’s leading authority on cybersecurity. ASD provides guidance and frameworks to assist organisations in safeguarding their digital assets and information against cyber threats. Central to ASD’s initiatives are the Essential Eight and Mitigate 37 tactics which outline best practices for mitigating cyber risks and enhancing security posture. ASD also has the Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) to certify professionals who can advise on securing government systems.
The Essential Eight assessment and solution are focused on building critical security measures to combat the most frequent cybersecurity attacks. This holistic strategy assists organisations in improving their security posture and minimising risk.
From patch management to application whitelisting, our system addresses every critical area of cybersecurity. Adopting these important actions can dramatically lower an organisation’s vulnerability to frequent cyber threats.
Adopting our Essential Eight ensures that critical security procedures are in place to safeguard organisational assets. Discover how these steps can improve security and lower risk.
Don’t wait until it’s too late; apply the Essential Eight now.
CyberProof offers expert assessment and implementation services for the Essential Eight. Our cybersecurity expertise will guide your organisation through the process, ensuring that all critical controls are effectively integrated. CyberProof provides customised solutions, constant monitoring, and ongoing assistance to help you maintain a strong security posture.
Mitigate 37 is a comprehensive framework established by the ASD that includes 37 tactics for mitigating targeted cyber attacks. This solution provides a methodical strategy for increasing organisational resilience to advanced threats, ensuring readiness for even the most sophisticated attacks.
Adopting Mitigate 37 provides a methodical strategy to strengthen cybersecurity defences. Discover how these 37 tactics can improve organisational security and assure preparedness for advanced threats. Don’t wait until it’s too late; improve cybersecurity measures now.
CyberProof offers expert implementation and support services for the Mitigate 37 framework. Our team of cybersecurity professionals will guide your organisation through the adoption process, ensuring seamless integration of all 37 tactics. With CyberProof, benefit from tailored solutions, continuous monitoring, and ongoing support to maintain a robust security posture.
Information Security Management (ISM) offers a systematic approach to protecting an organisation’s information assets from a variety of threats. By ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability, ISM promotes trust and security.
Proven ISM frameworks offer significant insights and robust protection for data. Discover how ISO/IEC 27001 and other security standards can benefit your organization. Don’t wait until it’s too late—secure information assets now.
CyberProof offers expert assessment and implementation services for Information Security Management frameworks. Our team of cybersecurity professionals will guide your organisation through the process, ensuring the effective integration of policies, procedures, and technologies. With CyberProof, benefit from customised solutions, continuous monitoring, and ongoing support to maintain a strong security posture.
The Australian Government established the Information Security Registered Assessors Programme (IRAP) to provide a strong framework for credentialing information security experts. These individuals are educated to analyse ICT systems for compliance with government security standards, ensuring that organisations follow the necessary security controls and procedures.
Engaging with the IRAP framework provides valuable insights and supports high-quality security procedures. Discover how IRAP-certified examinations can help your organization comply with government criteria. Don’t wait until it’s too late; improve security measures today.
CyberProof offers expert IRAP assessment and implementation services. Our experienced IRAP assessors will help your organization through the procedure, ensuring that it meets government security regulations. CyberProof provides tailored solutions, rigorous examinations, and continuous assistance to help you maintain a strong security posture.
Implementing the Essential 8 & Mitigate 37 helps organisations establish a strong security foundation, reducing the risk of cyber attacks and data breaches.
Aligning with ASD guidelines ensures compliance with industry regulations and standards, fostering trust among stakeholders and customers.
By addressing common cyber threats proactively, organisations can mitigate risks and minimise the potential impact of security incidents.
Streamlined cybersecurity measures enable organisations to optimise their resources and focus on core business objectives.
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